Learning to live a life less stressful, to give our lives a more purposeful meaning, and to have some fun along the way.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Religion: The Root of all Evil

I will start by saying that I do believe in God, or at least in a higher power. What I do not believe in is organized religion. Organized religions have an agenda, just like companies and governments and that agenda has more to do with control and making money than saving any one's soul. So called saved Christians, are in my opinion, the worst. They run around quoting scriptures and praying for this and that while ridiculing anyone that doesn't believe in their version of religion. Jesus would be appalled at them using his name to slander other faiths and people that do not conform to their vision of what is right.

There are many more "non" Christian, Islamic,and Jewish people on this planet than the three combined and  according to their respective teachings, anyone not of their faith won't enter Heaven. I don't think that a God of any religion, who created all people, would condemn the majority of them to hell because their version of religion differs from others. To believe otherwise you must be ignorant, uneducated, or just a fool.

To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, whether your version is Valhalla, Nirvana, Elysium, Heaven or any other name; be kind, be respective of other peoples faith, be tolerant to people whose lifestyle differs from your own. You wont find God on a TV evangelical show, or in a mega church preaching salvation. You will find God within yourself, deep down, during the worst time of your life when you don't think you can continue, and suddenly you find an inner strength to carry on.

God gave us the ability to think for ourselves and the will to follow our own path, so why do many of us choose to blindly follow certain religions? Is it fear, or a desire to belong to something larger than ourselves, or is it much simpler? Is it because our forefathers believed in it and we have been indoctrinated from birth the believe the same thing? Not too long ago in our violent past, people were burned or hanged for choosing to live a life contrary to Christianity. Wars were fought; pagans were hunted and killed; lets not leave out the inquisition, where a pointed finger from a so called friend would see you burned at the stake or drowned to prove your innocence.

There are places in our world that have a spiritual presence, so to deny that that God exists would be wrong. One such place that I have visited is Bear Butte in South Dakota; It is revered by the Native Sioux as a spiritual mountain and to walk its trails will leave you without a doubt that you are not alone. There are mysteries on our planet that cant be explained, ancient long gone peoples and empty cities. Our history may be older than we think and our origins much different than believe. We may never know the truth. The Universe is vast and unending and to think that we are alone in it is simply irresponsible.

One day, I hope that people can get past their prejudices and accept people for who they are without first judging them. Until then I will continue to think for myself, make decision on how I live my life based not on some old book or the words of people I am told to believe, but on what is right and good and decent.

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