Learning to live a life less stressful, to give our lives a more purposeful meaning, and to have some fun along the way.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Sea

The Sea....
She calls to me, bidding me, take my place upon her swells. In the dark of night, only the stars to give me light, her shores give no reason to have fright, the waves lapping against a quay, dawn breaking across the bay. Sailboats anchored in the deep, awaiting the wind to give them reach. Over swells and breaking surf, out to sea open water is calling me. Stow the anchor, set the sails, point her bow towards the sun, with the wind at our back we chase dolphins on a run. Poseidon's breath pushes me along, I guide my bow into the throng, no land anywhere in sight, all my sheets set in tight, I settle in for the ride and surf along the ebbing tide. Over my stern I can see, rippling water; the only trace I've left of me. Worries in the past, over the horizon my eyes do cast. From one port to another, life has become like no other. To the sea I will wander and sail away to a life of wonder.

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