Learning to live a life less stressful, to give our lives a more purposeful meaning, and to have some fun along the way.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Changing times and directions

It been a while since my last post. A lot has changed in my life in the past couple of years. My wife and I decided that living full time on a sailboat just isn't practical for our lifestyle so we are changing directions. My son left for college and is now a Junior studying accounting at Missouri State University.

In the time since my last post I have started a new business: Sea Wolf Leather and It has taken much of my time. I make custom leather items for sale on Etsy, the link is: ww.etsy.com/shop/seawolfleather , so if you have a moment, please take a look at what I make. When I decided to start Seawolf, it was to have an income source while living aboard and abroad in the confined spaces of a sailboat. Today I have a full workshop setup in a extra bedroom of my home.

Martina and I plan to build a cabin in a 25 acre wooded area in southern Missouri and set up a custom wood, metal, and leather work shop. I want to expand into making knives, swords, spears, and axes and cover them with my custom leather work.

We still want to travel as often as time and money allow, and since Martina is a German citizen, we may spend part of each year in Europe. Using our cabin as an anchor home is a good way to always have a comfortable place to return too.

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