Learning to live a life less stressful, to give our lives a more purposeful meaning, and to have some fun along the way.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Twenty eight years ago...

Twenty eight years ago on this date, also a Friday, I was a lonely twenty year old soldier in a foreign country. I had just returned from four weeks in the fields and forests of Germany, I was tired and feeling a little down. My buddies and I sat down at a table out side of the Hard Rock Cafe in Sachsenhausen, Frankfurt, and that's when my eyes met hers. She still has that look in her eyes today and I am very happy to still hold her gaze. Hoffentlich als acht und zwanzig mehr!

1 comment:

  1. When we least expected it... there they were. I met Clinton when he just got home from a West Pac.
