Learning to live a life less stressful, to give our lives a more purposeful meaning, and to have some fun along the way.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

All that glitters is not Gold

When we watch the news at night or read it on the web, the decay; no the utter breakdown of our society is staring us right in the face. Every night there are robberies, shootings, and drug related crimes, and not just in the poor urban areas of our cities.

Some people like to blame guns, or poor economic opportunities, but it goes much deeper than that. It starts in our own communities, our homes, and our schools. The real reason is tolerance. We have passed so many laws, rules, and regulation to protect people that we have lost the ability to be appalled by crime.It desensitises us into accepting it as normal or everyday and that will be our undoing.

We idolize celebrities that change partners more often than most people change automobiles. Celebrities that steal, fight, take drugs, beat their partners, cheat, drive drunk. etc.etc. etc. We listen to music that glorifies street gangs, money, and degrades women. We watch sports that elevate gamblers, dopers, dog killers, hit and run drivers. The list goes on and on.

We shop at stores that offer the lowest guaranteed price, but to achieve that price, they ship American jobs over seas, and put Mom and Pop stores, that are the back bone of our country, out of business. We whore ourselves out to these corporations, standing in line and rioting for $200 tennis shoes that probably cost less than $5.00 to make. Buying the newest big screen or laptop just because some ad agency tells us its a must have.

We are our own worst enemy. Our government is one of the most corrupt of any first world nation and getting worse every day, pandering for campaign contributions and favor to the highest bidder. Our debt is out of control, out policies driving it higher everyday, to the point that our credit rating has already been down graded and we are on track to become a second or third rate country in a few years.

We have an election in a few months, but I don't think it matters who you vote for. President Obama, and Mitt Romney are both part of the problem; they are the established, bought and paid for crowd. The entire elected body, in my opinion needs to go. It is time for true blooded American citizens, of any color, creed, or distinction, to stand up and form a third party that can stand and win against the establishment. Nothing will ever change if we don't change it ourselves.

Its time to stop ranting about issues that government has to business deciding in the first place. Birth control, religion, abortion; these are all personal choices that need to be made by those affected. Our elected leaders use these personal choice arguments to build themselves up and cloud our vision from what they really do in Washington, and that is spend our tax dollars on whatever they can to elevate themselves in their respective parties.

America was once the golden dream and the envy of the world. Today we are laughed at because of our arrogance. The infrastructure in our cities is crumbling, crime and drugs  filling the vacant houses. There is a divide in our country between liberal and conservative minded people and there seems to be no common ground or compromise. We are such a throw away society that we have forgot how to negotiate or compromise; no wonder so many marriages end in divorce with men and women following their own desires regardless of who they hurt in the process.

Each one of us has an obligation to fix this mess. We owe it to those that sacrificed so that we could have a life of plenty. I ask you to look past the rhetoric on both sides and consider what is truly best for our country before you vote in November. John F. Kennedy once asked "what we, as individuals, could do for our country?" We have forgotten or ignored that question. Its time to stop accepting what is wrong and take a stand against it.

United we stand and divided we fall is not just a slogan, it is the truth.

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